Whistleblower Policy

Ariel Ministries is committed to the standard of lawful and ethical behavior in all its activities. Directors, officers, and employees are required to act in accordance with applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations as well as organizational policies. High standards of business and personal ethics are expected in the carrying out of duties and responsibilities. The purpose of this policy is to make it possible for any individual in the organization to safely bring to light any actions or activities that are not in keeping with these standards.

I. REPORTING. Any individual within the organization who reasonably believes that some activity or practice of the organization or action of an employee is in violation of the law, policies, or generally accepted ethical standards, should file an official written complaint with the Home Office Manager or to any member of the Board of Directors.

II. INVESTIGATION. The Home Office Manager or the contacted Board Director will respond to the reporting individual within 10 business days and acknowledge the reported violation was received. The reporting individual will be notified about what actions will be taken. If no further action or investigation is to follow, an explanation for the decision will be given to the reporting individual in writing.

III. CONFIDENTIALITY. At all times, the privacy and reputation of the reporting individual will be respected. If the person reporting the violation requests anonymity, the request will be respected to the extent that doing so does not impede investigation of the alleged wrongful conduct. No retaliation against the reporting individual will be permitted. A reporting individual who reasonably believes they have been retaliated against shall use the same procedure in reporting the retaliation as they used when they filed the original complaint.

IV. REPORTING IN GOOD FAITH. Anyone reporting wrongful conduct or action must be acting in good faith and have reasonable grounds for believing the reported conduct is a violation of law, policy, or ethical standards. If it is determined in the course of investigation that the reporting was falsely done for malicious or self-serving purposes, then appropriate disciplinary action may be initiated by the Board of Directors.

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