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Where was God? Theological Perspectives on the Holocaust (epub)
by Dr Barry R Leventhal
How could a loving God allow something as evil as the Holocaust to happen? Those who believe in Messiah Jesus must be able to answer this question, especially when witnessing to Holocaust survivors or other people who have experienced the unimaginable. Messianic Jewish author Dr. Barry Leventhal meticulously guides his readers through a biblical chain of reasoning that portrays the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob as both purely loving and steadfastly faithful to the covenants He made with Israel. It is within these covenants that one finds the answer to one of life’s most difficult questions.
- Ebook for Kindle and Epub readers
- 320 pages
- ISBN: 978-1-958552-11-7
- Approximate download file size is 3.77 MB