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To Live is Messiah: A Messianic Jewish Roots Commentary on the Book of Philippians
by Dr Richard Hill
The Lord has a powerful message of encouragement, joy and love for all believers in the epistle of Philippians. The theme is a simple one, "To Live is Messiah!" All born-again believers need to be living our lives for Yeshua! This means to give over all aspects of our lives to the Lord Yeshua. He needs to become our everything in all things. The Apostle Paul brings this message out as he pens Phil. 1:21, "For to me, to live is Messiah, and to die is gain."
Dr. Hill answers the difficult questions most believers do not want to ask: "Am I ready to suffer for Messiah? Am I ready to die for Yeshua? Can I fully give all areas of my life over to the Lord so He can have full control of me? Do I have a loving, servant attitude just like Yeshua does? How intimately do I know Yeshua and the power of His resurrection? Do I really need to conform to His sufferings and to His death? Is it possible to always rejoice in the Lord and be anxious for nothing?" Although the process of our transformation is a simple one, Dr. Hill warns, it does not mean it will be easy!
Dr. Hill's encouraging commentary is a great exhortation to reach for the next level of your walk with Yeshua as Paul concludes the letter in 4:13 with the almost seemingly impossible proclamation, "I can do all things through Him who strengthens me."
- Paperback, glossy: 316 pages
- Dimensions: 6" x 9"
- ISBN: 9798876414946