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Messiah: His Nature and Person - Vol. 2
by D.L. Cooper
This book is the second in the Messianic Series. In this Series, Cooper endeavors to show, within the narrow limits of the allotted space, the general teaching, at least, of the Tenach concerning God and His Messiah. This volume presents the scriptural teaching that one of the persons of the Godhead would assume human form and come to earth to execute the plan of redemption. The author shows from the original text of Tenach that Israel can never hope for cessation of her age-long distress until she returns and accepts her divine-human Messiah and Saviour. May her God own and use these pages in bringing the truth to the hearts and lives of countless numbers not only of the Chosen Race but also of all nations.
Volume 2 of 7 of the "Messianic Series".
- Paperback: 229 pages
- Dimensions: 5" x 7 1/2"