Ariel Store

Exploring the Jewish Heart of The Feasts of Israel
by Steven Charles Ger, Th.M.
Over six hours of solid Biblical teaching, recorded live at our global headquarters in 2009. God commanded Israel to observe seven annual feasts. These prescribed festival times highlighted the Lord's love for His Chosen People and painted a prophetic picture of things to come in the future. You will be amazed by the way Yhua's life, death and resurrection were foreshadowed by the springtime feasts. The fall feasts help us to understand what will occur at Messiah's second coming. Your understanding of the Jewish cycle of feasts will greatly enhance your ability to show both your connection and your concern for the lost among the House of Israel.
Print the exegetical outline and follow along with Steven as he teaches the Word of God.
Approximate Running Time: Over 06 hours, on 4 DVDs.