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Commentary Series: The Book of Joshua (epub)

by Dr. Arnold G. Fruchtenbaum

The book of Joshua was written to document the Israelites' conquest of the Promised Land. It picks up the history of the Jewish people where Deuteronomy left off and covers the time period from the conquest to the settlement, from Moses to Judges. The book of Joshua does not merely trace the acts of one man or the history of a people, but it also shows how after the death of Moses, the faithful, covenant-keeping God fulfilled for Israel the promises made to the patriarchs.

The author details the rapidly moving historical narrative of Joshua and comments on it from a Messianic Jewish perspective. His work is replete with visual aids for the reader, such as maps, charts, and tables. The result is a handy, up-to-date commentary on a fascinating period in the history of the Jewish people..

  • Ebook for Kindle and Epub readers
  • 329 pages
  • Approximate download file size is 6.5 MB
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