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Ariel's Trials and Triumphs - (epub)

The Unparalleled Faith Journey of Ariel Ministries

by L. Jesse Grace

Ariel's Trials and Triumphs may be understood as a sequel to Dr. Arnold G. Fruchtenbaum's biography, titled Chosen Fruit. While the latter predominantly depicted the personal life story of Dr. Fruchtenbaum, the purpose of this account is to present the inside story of Ariel Ministries itself. Founded in 1977, the ministry has had to exercise unparalleled faith and rely solely upon God for its support, from its inception. Throughout the years as a Jewish ministry, Ariel has experienced a series of trials and tribulations. By the same token, it has also seen its share of exciting triumphs and wonderful spiritual blessings. From the seed of one man's obedience, God shaped the growth of the ministry into a vast network of both Messianic and Gentile believers, with many international branches. The stories of how some of the branches got started truly reveal the power of God at work. Hence, this account attempts to chronicle the major achievements, progress, and events that took place within Ariel Ministries, bringing to the fore its exceptional faith journey since the beginning and God's enduring faithfulness to His flock.

  • Ebook for Kindle and Epub readers
  • 382 pages.
  • Approximate download file size is 780 KB
  • ISBN: 978-1-951059-97-2
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