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What We Know About God: Theology Proper (epub)
by Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum
C&S Volume 2: The Come and See series is a multi-volume collection of Messianic Bible Studies transcribed from Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum's original radio broadcasts. Each study is a solid foundation upon which you can stand or from which you can teach. The texts will edify you in your personal devotion or small group Bible study regardless of which topic you choose.
Volume 2 of Come and See examines the nature, attributes, and persons of God. It investigates the names of God in the Old and New Testament and what they tell us about His character and work. The Trinity is examined in detail, followed by a study of God the Father. Each chapter contains challenging questions and study suggestions that make this book an excellent tool for anyone who desires to acquire a deeper understanding of who God is.
- Ebook for Kindle and Epub readers
- 138 pages
- ISBN: 978-1-935174-54-7
- Approximate download file size is 538KB